Through legal research and advocacy, GreenLaw aims to empower the next generation of lawyers. The team works with students, non-government organisations and academics to refine the legal research and advocacy skills of our students. Climate justice intersects with all areas of the law, and this project reflects that diversity, allowing students with a range of interests to engage and develop their skills.

How it works
GreenLaw collaborates with NGOs and other environmentally conscious organisations to engage effectively with legal institutions to agitate for climate and environmental justice. This project combines law with environmental advocacy by providing legal and policy research in collaboration with our organisational partners and with the support of world-class academics.
Some of GreenLaw’s past projects include an EPBC Act Review, Protestor Kits, the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) Climate Champions Project, and the Green Tea – Wellbeing Program. Australian Pro Bono Centre has recognized GreenLaw as an organization that is working to fight climate change.
We are creating a network of future lawyers and environmental organisations to lay the building blocks of a more sustainable, compassionate future.
Getting Involved
GreenLaw members have a wide variety of interests, backgrounds and skills – but are unified in their passion for climate justice and a fairer future for everyone. To join GreenLaw drop an email to

GreenLaw Updates
Completed Projects
GreenLaw worked with a number of legal organisations, with the support of ANU Law academics to develop a comprehensive pub resource to inform participants of non-violent direct actions of their rights in the ACT and how to navigate the relevant areas of law. This resource is intended to contribute to national police accountability efforts and ensure individuals and vulnerable groups know their rights when engaging in public advocacy.
Read the guide here.
In collaboration with Farmers for Climate Action and academics from the ANU College of Law, GreenLaw prepared a review of the constitutional barriers and opportunities for a national sustainable agriculture strategy. This report analysed the division of powers over land management between the Commonwealth and the States, and reviewed viable legal frameworks for a national strategy.
GreenLaw worked with the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) – an international coalition of NGOs from across the world, to deliver a briefing report on the climate action commitments of key Antarctic Treaty actors.
Read the report here.
GreenLaw conducted an empirical review into litigation under the EPBC Act between 2009 – 2019. This was used to provide an assessment of litigatory patterns under the EPBC Act and to find that public interest litigation and the rights of thrid parties to be involved in the decision-making processes of the EPBC Act is critical.
Read the submission here.
GreenLaw, in collaboration the the Australian Conservation Foundation, produced this report providing an analysis of how climate change threats and mitigation are addressed in the EPBC Act.
Read the report here.
Current/Upcoming Projects
In collaboration with Australian Lawyers for Human Rights and the Conservation Council of the ACT, the GreenLaw team will be developing a position paper on the right to a healthy environment in the ACT.
GreenLaw will be researching and drafting a series of research reports into the feasibility of a climate duty of care being recognised at a State level. This will build on the topical Sharm case and will inform the next generation of climate litigation in Australia.
GreenLaw will be working in partnership with the Conservation Council of the ACT to research and draft a major report into the legislative and regulatory regimes that are currently impeding a fast and just transition away from gas in the ACT, as well as potential levers to accelerate the phaseout.